
Hello I’m Julie, a holistic aromatherapist, passionate about the incredible benefits that can be achieved through the use of plant medicine, combined with the power of scent and therapeutic touch. 

The power of touch

Through my experience with massage therapy, I have come to appreciate the profound power of connection and energy exchange. Working with the body's innate wisdom, patiently waiting for the nervous system to calm and the tissues to release which allows the energy to flow freely and help facilitate healing and restoration. 

Chronic muscle tension is caused by constant neural stimulation, and relaxation of muscles is not solely achieved through massage. A harmonising massage treatment aims to calm the nervous system, moving it from constant alertness to a more relaxed state, which helps to reduce muscle tension and balance hormone levels. Quality touch is used to holistically treat the person.

Whether you are seeking relief from physical or emotional ailments, or simply looking to enhance your overall sense of well-being, my natural therapies offer a gentle and effective approach that honours the wisdom and energy of the natural world. So come and join me on a journey of discovery as we explore the healing potential of plants, and embrace the power of nature to restore balance and vitality.

Where it began…

As a little girl, I sought solace and excitement in the embrace of nature's wonders—playing amidst the enchanting woodlands, exploring wild meadows, and following the gentle flow of brooks and streams. Engrossed in my adventures, I would craft potions and encounter wild creatures, making these cherished moments the very foundation of my lifelong passion and curiosity for the folklore and properties of wild plants.

My sisters and I would often gather rose petals, blending them into enchanting elixirs we believed held magical powers. Throughout my life, I have been captivated by the innate healing qualities of essential oils, fascinated by their ability to address physical and emotional needs. Through personal experiences, I have witnessed their efficacy in alleviating stress, anxiety, improving skin health, and restoring hormonal balance. This led me to pursue certification as an aromatherapist.

I run my Saturday clinic from Neal’s Yard Therapy rooms in Sevenoaks. Neal’s Yard holds a special place in my heart, as it is where my passion for the oils was sparked, and my journey truly began. With the guidance of an exceptional aromatherapist and an inspiring massage teacher discovering the powerfully positive effects of essential oils on our physical and emotional wellbeing and the power of touch. This is where my love for aromatherapy and massage therapy blossomed and I want to share the therapeutic powers of essential oils.

Qualifications and Professional bodies

  • A graduate of the London School of Reflexology, and a member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR).

  • Diploma in aromatherapy & essential oil science with therapeutic massage from Neals Yards School of Natural Therapies

  • A member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) and the Complementary Natural Healthcare Council.

Restore & Replenish Yourself

With nurturing essence of plant aromatics combined with therapeutic touch, guiding you towards inner balance and well-being.


Mothers Support

Bespoke Blending

Plant wisdom & Nature connection